SAR 15.95
Retaj Date Mamoul-300G
SAR 21.95
Retaj Kelaijah Cakes-750G
SAR 15.95
Retaj Braclets Mamoul-350G
SAR 18.95
Retaj Coconut Biscuits-610G
SAR 15.95
Retaj Brown Bread Fingers-400G
SAR 17.95
Retaj Vanilla Biscuits-660G
SAR 19.95
Retaj Millet Cakes-500G
SAR 15.95
Retaj Brown Mamoul-300G
SAR 15.95
Retaj Toffee Mamoul-300G
SAR 18.95
Retaj Sesame Cakes-750G
SAR 18.95
Retaj Sesame Qurs-750G
SAR 15.95
Retaj Nigella Sative Fingers-400G
SAR 15.95
Retaj Coconut Fingers-400G
SAR 15.95
Retaj Choco Mamoul With Dates-330G
SAR 15.95
Retaj Brown Bread Braclet With Sesame-350G
SAR 15.95
Retaj Chocolate Mamoul-330G
SAR 34.95
Retaj Lotus Cake-Each